BBS Toolkit
BBS Toolkit.iso
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WARNING!: Starting with version 3.3 you will need the DTR-patched BRUN45.EXE
file somewhere in you path. This was done to conserve space in the archive.
I saved 148,473 bytes in the archive by doing this, effectively cutting the
download time to 1/4 of what it would have been.
Section 1:
I make no warranties, express or implied, as to the mercantibility or
suitability for any purpose of this product. I am not liable in any way for
any damage or loss resulting from the use of this product. I can not be held
responsible for such damages or loss. This program is provided AS-IS and is
used at your own descretion and risk only.
This program is "Freeware", which means that you can copy and use this
program as long as no fee is charged for the program itself (but a nominal
copying charge of up to $1.00 is allowed). In other words: I am the only
person who can charge for the program, and I choose to give it away, free of
charge. I still retain the rights to the source code and all the routines
therein. You may not modify or borrow these routines without my express
written consent.
RBBS-PC (r) and RBBS(r) are registered trademarks of D. Thomas Mack.
Wildcat!(r) is a registered trademark of Mustang Software. PC-Board(r) is a
registered trademark of Clark Development Co. I have not put the "(r)"
everywhere it should be, but this is not in an attempt to infringe on their
copyrights, this was done because I am not in the habbit of doing that. Apple
(tm) is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Corporation.
Section 2:
Why I wrote it:
Around March (1989) I decided to convert from running an Apple bulletin
board to running an RBBS board. In less than a month after that, I tried my
hand at running doors.
During the first 2 months I got 4 doors running and I tried several door
menu programs, and I had almost no success with them.
Finally (after about 3 months) I decided to write my own. I decided
that it should be able to do several things. Here are some of them:
1) Be fairly easy to set up (getting this better all the time)
2) Let you restrict access to each door by security level
3) Keep a log of who goes into what door when
4) Make sure you only stay in the doors menu while you have
time remaining on the BBS
5) Make user leave doors area if time left if 5 min. or less.
6) Make the user return to the doors menu when they exit the
door they have been in
7) Create files for PC-BOARD v12.x & v14.x doors and RBBS
v16.x & v17.x, Wildcat! v1.x & v2.x
8) Replace user name with users real name for certain doors.
9) Restrict certain doors to message posting users only.
If you can help me to obtain file formats for BBS systems not listed here,
please send them to:
Chester Johnson
P.O. Box 7581
Las Cruces, NM 88006-7581
Voice: (505)521-1649
or call my board:
The Dragon's Lair
BBS: (505)521-3314
Fido-Net node 1:305/108
Trek-net node 87:6017/9001
Starlink (tm) outdial port #6630
Section 3:
Files included with DDMENU:
ACUMSTAT.DAT data used when scanning the callers file
ACUMSTAT.DOC instructions for using ACUMSTAT.EXE
ACUMSTAT.EXE counts number of messages users have left & creates a
DD33CONV.DOC instructions for using DD33CONV.EXE
DD33CONV.EXE converts 3.3 data files to 4.0
DDINIT.EXE the installation program
DDMAINT.EXE used to maintain the menu definition file
DRAGDOOR.EXE the menu program itself
DRAGDOOR.DOC this file
INSTALL.BAT the bat file to install everything
INSTALL.DOC instructions for using the installation program
REGISTER.DOC registration form (Please: fill this out)
RESETCAL.DOC instructions for using RESETCAL.EXE
RESETCAL.EXE resets number of times a user has called to 0
Files created by DDINIT.EXE:
DOORS.BAT bat file called by RBBS in the RBBS directory
DOORS1.BAT node 1 "return from doors" bat file
DRAGDOR1.DEF node 1 main definition file
TEST.BAT testing bat file
Files created by DDMAINT.EXE:
DDMENU#.DEF menu definition file for node "#"
Files created by Dragdoor:
CALLINFO#.BBS Wildcat v1.x & v2.x door information file for node number
DORINFO#.DEF RBBS v16.x and RBBS v17.x door user file
DRAGDOR#.USR info on current doors user for node number "#"
DRAGLOG# a log of who uses which door and when for node number "#"
MSGS a small file that can be copies and renamed as MESSAGES or
whatever you main messages file is called. used in place
of either copying your main messages file or giving a door
access to your main messages file.
PCBOARD#.DAT a file some PC-BOARD v12.x and 14.x doors look for, for
node number "#"
PCBOARD#.SYS a file some PC-BOARD v12.x and v14.x doors look for, for
node number "#"
RCTTY#.BAT the bat file that runs the doors bat file for node # "#"
Section 4:
Doors Menu Maintenance Program:
The program DDMAINT.EXE is used to add, change, or delete doors from the
The following is the information entered for each door. Numbers 5-9 are
Prompt Meaning
---------------------- ---------------------------------------------
1) MIN SECURITY LEVEL The minimum security level required to access
this door
2) DESCRIPTION The description of the door shown to the users
(33 characters maximum)
3) REMOTE BAT FILE The name of the ".BAT" file that executes the
door if the user is logged on remotely. This
BAT file will be executed always if there is
no LOCAL BAT FILE specified.
4) BBS TYPE The code for the type of BBS the door belons
on (* see below)
5) ANSI REQUIRED (Y/N) Does this door require ansi graphics?
6) START TIME (HH:MM) The beginning time of day this door is
7) END TIME (HH:MM) The ending time of day theis door is accessable
8) MIN MSG/CALL RATIO The minimum number of messages per call
required to access this door (can be a decimal
- ** see below)
9) USE USER NAME FILE? See Section 5
10) USER-NAME FILE NAME See Section 5
11) LOCAL BAT FILE The name of the ".BAT" file that executes the
door is the users is logged on locally. The
REMOTE BAT FILE will be executed if the LOCAL
is not specified
12) LOCK DOOR (Y/N)? See Section 5
Use the 'F1' key to save the current door or the 'ESC' key to return to the
menu without saving it.
* The valid BBS types are as follows:
Type BBS name
------ ------------------------
PCB12 PC-Board v12.x
PCB14 PC-Board v14.x
RBBS16 RBBS v16.x
RBBS17 RBBS v17.x
WC1 Wildcat! v1.x
WC2 Wildcat! v2.x
** You must install ACUMSTAT.EXE before this option will work.
Section 5:
Features of Dragdoor menu program:
1) Limit access by security level: You are able to limit who may use a
specific door by giving it a security level. No one with less than this
level will be able to access it.
2) Warn ANSI graphics is required: If the user isn't set up for graphics the
menu will warn the user that the door requires ANSI graphics and will
verify that they still wish to enter it.
3) Time lock doors: By setting a start and end time (using the 24 hour clock)
the menu will not let anyone access the door outside of the times specified
4) Messages per call ratio: This allows you to keep people from using a door
if they don't have at least a certain number of messages per call. When
you are installing the program you will be asked to enter the "MINIMUM
security level you enter (and higher) will be exempt from having to keep
there ratio up. They will be able to go without posting any messages if
they wish and still be able to get into the doors with the ratio on them.
5) Real name & Private access: This is a little misleading, this actually
means 'do you want to check a file you define for the existance of the
user?" If you answer 'Y' then whenever a user tries to access this door,
it will check for their user name in the file. If it doesn't find their
ID, they will not be aloud to enter the door and will be prompted to ask
the sysop for access to the door if they wish to use it. If it does find
their name it will then substitute the "real" name given in this file for
their user name before calling this door. The format of the file is as
<user name>,<first name>,<last name>
Eash user is on a separate line. The last line MUST be:
The actual file name that it looks for is the one you tell it in prompt
#10 ("user-name file name"). This file must be in the same directory as
I use this function to convert all my user's aliases into their real names
before calling the echo mail processor I use. This way they send messages
with their real names and keep me out of trouble <grin>. I also use it to
make sure only certain people get into certain doors (like subscriber only
games and member only echos).
6) You can give specific people a different security level in the doors than
they have in the message bases. To do this you must create a file called
DDSEC. The format for this file is:
<user name>,<user security level>
Each user is on a separate line. The last line MUST be:
7) Locking a Door: If you wish to "lock" a door so that only one node at a
time can access it then answer 'Y' here. For the lock to work the
DESCRIPTION that is entered must be EXACTLY the same on both nodes. If
there is the slightest difference (even in upper to lower case) it will not
lock properly. The reason to lock a door this way is that most doors can
only handle one node accessing them at a time. Instead of having seperate
games for each node, this program lets you use the same one and it just
tells the 2nd user that the door is in use right now and they should try
back later.
8) Multi-node capability: Dragdoor has currently the capability to work on a
2 node system. You must be using COM1 and COM2 for this to work (see
Section 7 for more details). I have tested it using 2 nodes at a time and
have experienced no problems. If you do, please contact me.
Section 6:
Update history:
Version 1.1:
A) Version 1.0 had 2 major problems:
1) it would only work on a single node
2) it did direct screen writes (this messes up your display if you are
using multi-tasking)
These have been fixed in 1.1
B) Added time remaining, security level, and other stuff to the top of the
Version 1.2:
A) Creates the PC-BOARD.SYS file in the format PC-BOARD v14.0 doors need
when a door with a type of "PCB14" is entered.
Version 2.0:
A) DTR drop problem fixed.
B) Multi-node is now supported (I user 2, one dial-up and one local)
C) Creates the PC-BOARD.SYS file in the format PC-BOARD v12.# doors need when
a door with a type of "PCB12" is entered.
D) Re-wrote com port routines.
Version 2.1:
A) Fixed time left bug, both on the screen and in the PCBOARD#.SYS &
B) Will make the user return to the BBS if there is 5 minutes or less left.
C) Creates small MESSAGES file for use by the DOORS (file name = MSGS)
D) Creates PCBOARD#.DAT files for v12.x & v14.x
E) Changed the name of the filee from PC-BOARD.SYS to PCBOARD#.SYS
Version 2.2:
A) DDINIT.EXE installation program introduced.
B) Creates CALINFO#.BBS file for Wildcat! v1.x doors
C) Fixed bug in 'city and state' in DORINFO#.DEF FILE.
Version 2.3:
A) Creates CALINFO#.BBS file for Wildcat! v2.x doors
B) Modified the PCBOARD#.DAT file to fix a problem a few PCB door were
Version 3.0:
A) Restructured DDMENU#.DEF file
B) DDMAINT.EXE program introduced
C) Butchered the docs
D) No limit on the number of doors (used to be 15)
E) 'REALNAME' file installed to handle the use of 'real name' inplace of
their sign on name for specified doors
Version 3.1:
A) DDSEC file added so users can have a different security level in the
B) Message/call ratio installed.
C) Added Acumstat files to archive.
Version 3.2:
A) Added QuickBBS command line. See below.
Version 3.3:
A) Rewrote several routines including com port access.
B) Took out all direct screen writes in DRAGDOOR.EXE.
C) Included Resetcal files in archive.
D) Made so each door can have it's own "user-name" file.
E) Made so you must have the DTR-patched BRUN45.EXE in your path.
Version 4.0:
A) Now calls the door with the node number in the command line.
B) Lets you specify seperate BAT files for local and remote access.
C) Lets you lock doors so only one node can access certain doors at a time.
D) Fixed bugs in DDINIT.EXE.
E) Upgrade program first introduced.
Section 7:
I wish to extend special thanks to Mike Sylvestre, Sysop of The Micro-Imaging
BBS (407-847-5499), for his help in setting up the PC-BOARD formats and
helping in fixing the DTR drop problem. Mike has also been helpful to some
sysops in getting Dragdoor operating when they couldn't get ahold of me.
Also thanks to Jeffry Brickley (assistant sysop for The Dragon's Lair) for help
in programming.
Section 8:
About RBBS16 & RBBS17:
When you choose a door labeled as RBBS16 or RBBS17, the DORINFO#.DEF file is
going to be updated and a file called MSGS will be created. You may need to
copy DORINFO#.DEF into the individual doors directory. If the door requires
access to the MESSAGES file, just copy MSGS over to the individual doors
directory and rename it as MESSAGES.
About PCB12 & PCB14:
When you choose a door labeled as PCB12 or PCB14, 2 files are created.
PCBOARD#.SYS and PCBOARD#.DAT. You will need to copy these to the individual
doors directory (and possibly rename them) if they are required.
About Wildcat! v1.x & v2.x:
When you choose a door labeled as WC! the CALINFO#.BBS file is created. You
will need to copy this file to the individual door directory and rename it as
CALLINFO.BBS for most Wildcat! v1.x & v2.x doors to work.
About QuickBBS:
When you choose a door labeled WUICK the bat file called will be called with
parameters like this:
GAME.BAT <user fir name> <user last name> <time left> <com port number>
I have this running the Operation: Overkill door by Nulfenstein Productions
About message/call ratio:
When you first install this option you should first delete your callers file
and run RESETCAL.EXE. This way everyone starts out with 0 messages and 0
calls. You will only have the current days log abailable while you are using
this option, otherwise it will misscount the number of messages posted.
About Comport addresses:
Dragdoor right now only works for COM1 and COM2. The address for COM1 is 3F8
and the address for COM2 is 2F8. If your system does not have these setup this
way Dragdoor will NOT work properly.
Section 9:
What the heck happens when I use Dragdoor?
When you type 'D' then 'DOORS' in RBBS, RBBS creates a file called
RCTTY.BAT (or whatever you have it defined as in the RBBS CONFIG file). Then
it drops back to your RBBS.BAT file and then executes the RCTTY.BAT file.
RCTTY.BAT then executes the DOORS.BAT file (created by the DDINIT.EXE program
when you installed Dragdoor).
DOORS.BAT changes to the doors directory and copies DORINFO#.DEF (where
'#' is the node number the user is on) into the doors directory. Then it
deletes the DRAGDOR1.USR file and finally executes DRAGDOOR.EXE.
Next you select a door from the ones displayed. Then DRAGDOOR.EXE
creates the files necessary for that type of door and then returns to the
DOOR.BAT file. Then DOORS.BAT excutes RCTTY#.BAT (where '#' is the node
number - this file was also just created by DRAGDOOR.EXE prior to exiting).
RCTTY1.BAT executes the bat file that runs the door (ex: MOTU.BAT for
Master of the Universe. From here on in I will use MOTU.BAT to mean the bat
file that actually executes the door). MOTU.BAT then copies the files
necessary to the proper directory (if needed) and runs the door itself.
When you exit the door the control is returned to MOTU.BAT which then
executes the DOORS1.BAT file, which in turn calls DRAGDOOR.EXE again.
When you just hit enter while at the Dragdoor menu, it will then take you
back to RBBS.BAT instead of executing a bat file to run a specific door (like
Flow chart of the mess I just described:
DOORS1.BAT <-- door bat file <-- door prog <-- door bat file <-- DOORS.BAT <-
| ^
| |
-> DRAGDOOR.EXE ---------------------------------------------------
--> RBBS.BAT (if no door was selected at the menu)
Section 10:
If you are using version 3.2 or earlier, you must delete everything
associated with Dragdoor and so an INSTALL as if you hadn't been using it
If you are using version 3.3 just replace the EXE files and run DD33CONV.
Then run DDMAINT.EXE and modify options 9 & 12 for those each doors that need